Tuesday 10 July 2012

An Idea is Born

Poor old dusty crib!  I will do something about it!  The crib was my Mom's dolly crib when she was a child, the doll is mine that I showered with love when I was a child.  I really really loved this dolly (actually I still do)!  She doesn't really have a name.  I think she might have been Rosie or Victoria...whichever floated my boat at the time.  She is a 'Teeny Tiny Tears'.  She has survived the years.  She spent a long time in the loft and I was overjoyed to see her again so she now lives in my wardrobe!  She used to have lots and lots of clothes and blankets, bonnets and booties, lacy dresses and winter woollies.  I also had a lovely dolls pram and she would go for walks.  My Grandmother kept her supplied with pretty knitted outfits.  My favourite outfit was the 'Rompa Suit' she is wearing.  It is very practical for a busy baby doll.  She still has her original dummy and somewhere I have her bottle.  The best thing about her is you can give her a bottle of water then she cries real tears if you lift her arm and she does real 'wees' if you squeeze her tummy.  Tonight she has come into her own again and she is very happy to be making her debut in Blogland!  She is modelling my first 'Premature Baby Hat'.   I read all your lovely comments about yesterdays post (it seems a lot of us had 'tiny babies' some were not so tiny).  Thank you for all of your comments.  Euan is still coughing his head off but has gone to bed exhausted after having a lovely birthday.  He has had a great day.  Henry has been the best big brother and played with him all day.  Strangely today Euan did not want his photograph taken.  Not to worry.
               Today is a rest day in 'The Tour De Fleece' so I decided to put thought into action and as a tribute to the birth of my 'early bird' make my first item for premature babies.  Oh yes, what with baby doll and pretty little hats this broody hen is starting to cluck!  I just have to keep reminding myself that babies = hard work and less crafting time!  I would also need to find a 'new man' as my existing one would have a fit if we ever found out we were expecting again!
                  Teresa Kasner (my lovely Blog Buddy) left a comment suggesting an 'In the sky' style call to arms and an 'Idea was born'.  I would be truly delighted if you would join me in this idea.  If you would make and share photographs of items to donate to your local hospital for premature babies, or I would be 'over the moon happy' to receive any items and deliver them on your behalf to 'The Worcester Royal Hospital' where Euan was born and I will dedicate a page for the 'Gallery' and it would be fantastic to review this on July 10th next year.  I wonder how much we could achieve together in twelve months?  I appreciate many of you are prolific 'Charity Crafters already, if you don't have time to join me, just keep up your good work!  xxx
                    I will build a Blog Page with links to patterns too.  There seem to be far more knitting patterns for premature babies than crochet patterns.  If you have any favourite, tried and tested crochet/knitting patterns please share.
This tiny hat took no time at all.  It is a prototype so I will work on it and get the pattern written up.  I pinched the idea for the 'Daisy' from Chalky's World where Linda has written a really easy to follow tutorial for this pretty little flower.  I know hospitals prefer not to have cotton or wool garments for premature babies and have a preference for acrylic.  It is warm and washable.
               I have one more favour to ask of you on this fine July 10th.  This 'project' could do with a name.  All suggestions would be gratefully received.
Thank you.  xxx


  1. hi love your tiny tears dolly , i bought one for my 4 year old grandson for christmas and he loves her to bits lol, what a great idea you have, i would love to donate some items for the hospital, just read your last post and it was so emotional, thankyou

  2. My best friend had her little boy at 2:25 this morning. Special day. I will join you and make some premie hats. I have done for the last few years for the hospital where my little one was born. When I send them to you, you can tell the hospital they came all the way from a crazy American lady who loves little babies. Like you, if I turned up preggie my husband would probably have a heart attack.

  3. Dear friend, Lucy, of course you can count on me to join in this challenge! I will make at least 5 preemie hats and will photograph them and share your project on my blog. I will look for a crochet design as I love to crochet more than knit. I will find a place here in Portland that has the most "in need" babies to donate to. I will also ask them if they'd prefer cotton or acrylic.. I was surprised they wouldn't want cotton. This will be fun! And it's all in honor of your Euen! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. What a great idea, I'm in, I have had more than half an idea to do that since my boys were born. Thanks for the boot up the bum to get on with it at last. Lx

  5. And me! That is exactly the words my dear daughter used to say all the time. She was 20 months younger than her brother and soon learnt that those two little words just about covered her every need --- from chocolate to cuddles.
    What about calling the project Rainbows. A link to your sky,a promise and the hope that all will be well for these dear little ones that everyone is crafting for.
    Only an idea --

  6. Love the name Rainbows. I'm up for it too. Been meaning to do something for the Alex for a while now.

  7. What a lovely idea! I knit stuff for a group on Ravelry that donates blankets to both preemie babies and also to parents whose babies have not survived, but I will try and find time to knit things for you too x x x

  8. Great idea! I would love to participate as well. I've got a ton of "baby yarn" I need to use up and this would be a perfect chance to do it. Let us know what name you go with!

  9. Great idea Lucy! I had a tiny tears doll, I loved her so much and she now lives with my daughter wearing a beautiful bright yellow coat knitted by my great grandmother! Happy memories.

  10. Lucy, I have been wanting to do something like this, and now thanks to your inspiration I am committing to actually knit or crochet a hat [hopefully more than one eventually] in honor of Evan, for a local hospital. I will send you a photo when I have completed it and type about your project on my blog as soon as you decide on a name for it. Thanks for the rally call :)
    Gracie <3


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)