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Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bluebells (Knit Your Own) - If you go down to the woods today...

Today I took my dog for a walk in the local woods.  You can find out a little more about them by clicking here.  These woods literally straddle a County Border, half of the woodland is in Worcestershire and the other half is in Warwickshire.  Today I walked in both counties to admire the carpet of Bluebells.

I love Bluebells.  This year vast areas of British woodland were under threat to be sold off by the Government.  After a successful, largely cyberspace campaign, thankfully there was a U-turn decision.  It was a scary time.  Once these ancient woodlands are lost they are gone forever.  How can you not respect Mother Nature in all her glory?  These woodlands to me represent our past, present and future. 

Free download - Knitting Pattern from The Woodland Trust The Woodland Trust have been running a campaign to encourage more people to visit and value their local woodland.  The knitted Bluebell is to be used as a symbol in a Geurilla Knitting Campaign, Yarn Bombing Style.  You have to admit it is very cute.  I will have to add it to my ever growing 'To Do' list.

In ancient folklore it is said when the bluebells are ringing the Fairies arrive.
I tried to get a close up photograph of a fairy but she must have hidden under the nettle leaf!
I have heard of the 'black sheep of the family' well this is the 'White Bluebell of the woods'.

This is definitely not a fairy it is my lovely Lacey.  She loves the woods, squirreling and finding 'Sticky Wicks'.  If I say that to her she will run and find a stick and by stick I mean log!

Lacey's specialism is 'Big' sticks, she adores them.  She struggles and wrestles with them until she finds their point of balance so she can carry them.  She is as elusive as a fairy to photograph when she has a stick, I took loads of photographs and these two were the best!  She growls and snarls with a stick.

Once she drops her stick and has worn herself out she returns to her lovely, placid, old self!  Doesn't she look pretty with the backdrop of Blubells?  
If you cannot find a chance to visit a Bluebell wood near you soon, I would definitely knit your own!


  1. WOW totally magical bluebell wood you are so blessed to have that place right near you Lucy :)

  2. Yes, thank goodness the woods were saved (for now at least). Woodland Trust is a great organisation and we were lucky enough to be invited on a walk last year to one of the woods it bought/saved in North Yorkshire.
    We have a bluebell wood right at the bottom of our garden! (not ours but we can go into it)
    Lovely Lacey.
    Carol xx

  3. I'm sooooooooo glad the woods were spared. It's tragic to lose such wonderful natural areas. I have bells here on my farm but not such masses of them. Hugs, Teresa

  4. wow!!!

    beautiful beautiful photos

    cute crochet bells :o)

    and Huge stick! Lacey is is a woodland warrior xx

  5. I love your blog more and more. It's truly brilliant!


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