Sunday 20 May 2012

Messy messy messy!

I got my whip out on Saturday, as both boys are hoarders...I don't know where they get it from *whistles innocently*.  They both hate me tidying their stuff even worse they hate me getting rid of anything!  To motivate them I offered 10p for each item to the charity shop, thinking Euan would make £1 at the most.  He had a major de-clutter for him and put his little heart and soul into it.  He sorted out baby books and a few toys.  He is so reluctant to part with any of it but we are drowning in clutter.  On the one hand I think he did a great job and he did surprise me, but on the other hand I was a bit disappointed he did not part with more.  I raised the stakes and said 20p per large item.  He didn't get rid of any large items.  Tonight he said 'do you think you should pay me more because I did not fuss giving you my stuff!'  Henry was much harder to budge, like pushing an elephant up the stairs, I called my Mother for back up!  Henry started to de-clutter once his Nan arrived.  He managed two boxes of junk, old annuals that was part of his 'Get Rich Quick' scheme, but I explained the importance of charitable donations!  He reluctantly got on board.  Then for our exhausting efforts we were rewarded by Euan's Bookshelf collapsing beyond repair!  Euan has a lot of books, we all do.  Disaster!  I had to race out to get a 'build your own' bookshelf...rubbish really for £50.  What an expensive decluttering mission.  Henry and Nan helped to build the bookshelf.  We need about another ten sessions like that to get anywhere near straight in this house!  Of course my stuff is always last to receive attention so my stash remains untouched for another week!
           This afternoon me and the boys had had a 'Sonic The Hedgehog' tournament on the Xbox.  Both boys are impressed with my skills.  Skills learned from the days before either of them existed.  It is fun when we manage to do stuff together that we all enjoy.  Now when Euan is in bed I have 'work work' to do!
          Talking of pulling my hair out, I went to the hair dressers on Friday, this is getting quite regular for me, as I have now been twice in three years!  I had about five inches of my hair cut off, to tidy it up as a '1 stone off treat'.  Gah!  Living in an all Male household, do you think anyone has even noticed or said anything?  Not one dicky bird!  Perhaps for the '2 stone off treat' I will get it dyed bright pink and see if they have anything to say then!
             Monday tomorrow.   Boooooo!  I think I am going back to work for a rest though.  The chickens are still playing out and the dog is snoring loudly on the sofa next to me.  I suppose all is well with the world. Hope you have had a good weekend.  xxx


  1. Hi Lucy, it is always a few steps forward and then a jump back - your shelves collapsing. I keep taking things to the charity shops but there is still lots more that could go. Agreed to do a carboot with Sis so that might get more on its way.
    My hair needs a few inches off, just about sitting on it now and I guess it looks more than a little straggly. I usually just lop it off myself.
    Well done on the 1 stone loss!
    Carol xx

  2. I'm doing a car boot sale next Sunday, never done one before, but needs must!! Isn't getting 5 inches cut off your hair cheating with the weight loss? ;) Best of luck with the decluttering, I'm inspiring myself with looking at beautiful houses and wanting ours to look the same, it's helping a bit, but not as much as I need it to!!

  3. Lucy --- I love this post! Onwards and upwards xx

  4. We are dreadful hoarders too! Books are my passion but we also seem to accumulate a whole load of random stuff. I have to be in the right mood to declutter though. Good luck clearing out!

  5. Hi Lucy you did well getting your boys to declutter, no mean feat and I speak from experience, boys are worse hoarders than girls.......fact. My daughter has been left home for a long time and I to live in an all male household, they never notice anything and I think if I did dye my hair pink I'd have to tell them! On the up side they haven't noticed my ever increasing yarn stash LOL! back to loafing on the sofa for me too.

  6. Gadzooks are you industrious! We're sitting in our recliners, watching "Extreme RVs" on the Travel channel and surfing the web, playing Scrabble, playing "Draw Something" and relaxing. I'm trying to nudge hubby into taking me out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant and to do a bit of shopping. He is grumping back at him to leave him alone. :-) LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. i live in a house full of inveterate collectors of junk that has no use whatsoever and that we are all loathe to part with. even the dog has a toy basket brimming over with tatty toys that she adores no matter how threadbare. i know how difficult the hording bug can become and it is a disease that spreads. well done to your family for making a brave stand.
    please don't dye your lovely hair pink! my strawberry blonde niece recently went mousey brown (was meant to be a rich brown), which is a sweet colour for those that are born with it but not for someone with pale ginger eyelashes! she said she wanted to look more geeky. potty as pancakes my family ;)

    wishing you a happy monday x

  8. Clutter can be tricky...Fortunately for me I was forced to declutter when I got married and moved out of my parents' place. Hopefully you and your boys can find a way to make this work for you! And I'm sure your new haircut looks lovely :) Men just don't appreciate those things the way we do. If you decide to do something drastic upon reaching your next goal, you should let us know how it goes!

  9. Brave Lucy, and so clever to enlist Nan in your efforts! This weekend I managed to recycle some magazines and papers and am making slow progress on knitting a hat and am getting trounced in two of my Scrabble games. Chin up for your work week...vacation is coming. WooHoo!!!

  10. Love the idea of paying for each item

  11. There is a large box of books sitting on my son floor waiting to go to the charity shop, but he has ordered a load more on line. I am thinking off giving up cleaning altogether, everytime I have a good clean out something get broken and has to be replaced. This weekend it was the radio. The budgie was most upset to have no music.

    Your hair looks lovely :)

  12. I had a de-clutter too.....I can't imagine what it must be like to have two lads to de-clutter as well as yourself *shudders*, all in all I think you did pretty well!

  13. Well done for the weight loss and the de-cluttering. I am in awe. I wonder how long it will take for our house to become swamped now that we aren't moving every two years and having a clear out? You are inspiring me to nip it in the bud now and have a clear out sooner rather than later.

  14. I am sure your hair looks lovely. Hope you have all recovered from the de-clutter :)


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