Saturday 19 May 2012

London 2012

It is official the Olympic Torch landed in the UK yesterday under much pomp and ceremony.  I went up town early this morning with Euan as one of the National Newspapers is running a 'Lego' promotion and they disappear quickly.  He is delighted with his 'free' Lego Batman on a Jet Ski.  I am sorry I am too self conscious to walk around my town centre with a camera but it really looks a picture.  All of the shops are 'Red, White and Blue', there is bunting, flags and Union Jacks everywhere.  There are Union Jack Tshirts, dresses, biscuit tins, teapots, table clothes, tea towels, bedding, you name it everything has been Union Jacked.  Even in the Supermarket everyday food has got 'Celebration' packaging.  There are flags, crowns, corgis, and English Roses everywhere.  We have two more weeks of school and then we have a week off.  Many Communities are planning Jubilee Celebrations to celebrate 60 years since Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne.  I will be celebrating somehow...I just don't know how yet.  Once the 'Bunting' goes up though it can stay up all Summer as we have the Olympics too.  It is uplifting to have such a sense of National Pride as for years Britain has been in Economic recession and everyone has been hit where it hurts financially.  As a Nation we have struggled to be proud of our country and now we have several reasons to be celebrating.
        The Olympic torch is being relayed throughout the Country and it comes to our county in a few weeks. It is travelling through the centre of our town on July 1st, (I think), nearer the time I am sure arrangements will be clear and hopefully I will be able to take Euan to witness the event.  I will of course try to photograph  that!  I bought my Union Jack Tshirt yesterday and I am getting a bit panicky about the bunting, I really should have got it by now.  I am planning some sort of 'Tea Party' celebration for Jubilee weekend.  The 'Posh' cups and saucers can come out to play and we will drink tea and eat quintessentially 'British' cakes.  (Not of the Weight Watchers variety)!  I have a celebratory 'Craft' project to get working on too.  All we need is for the Sunshine to come out to play.  We have had a really wet few weeks.  The wettest drought on records!  These records are bonkers.  ..the wettest drought  .  . .tut tut what is going on?  When the sun does pop out for a couple of hours we try and make the most of it and rush outside to catch up with the gardening or walk in the sunshine and soak up the rays.  This weekend is wet again. . . and I think I may be forced to stay in doors and try to get the house clean and tidy. . . that will keep me busy and out of mischief for a good few hours.
Hope you are having a good weekend and if you see the Sunshine. . . please send it in this direction.


  1. Sorry to say we have no sun here either and I am so bored of cold and drizzle.

  2. Thank you so much for popping into Chalky's World and just being so understanding! Lovely x

  3. *sniff* i know, it is so good to have all of this going on.
    although i am miles away from london, my brother will be working in the olymic stadiums and will be able to relay some of the news and much of the atmosphere back to me :)
    as for the jubilee it seems that i am in a most unpatriotic village, as nothing at all has been planned! quite sad really. some of the bigger surrounding villages will be having parties though.
    we have a lot of family stuff happening in june too, a baby due plus five birthday's all in one week!
    lots of reasons to use the best china and bring out the flags :)

    a celebratory craft project? :) i look forward to more news of that! xx

  4. Hi Lucy, well he, aka Mr. Sunshine, certainly hasn't been seen around here recently. DH informs me has been seen at the test match though. I can't believe how cold it is! Yes, this wet drought is one big joke.
    Hope it is all just on standby for a glorious summer so people can celebrate the Jubilee and the Olympics.
    I don't know how I'll be celebrating either but I'll certainly be putting up some bunting. Look forward to seeing your celebratory crafty creation.
    I'm not doing much today except trying to write a blog post and blogger is so slow!
    Carol xx

  5. Well, Lucy, I am doing my best to share the sunshine with you(: It will be such fun to see pictures of the celebrations around you for the Queen and for the Olympics, and I too am looking forward to seeing your celebratory craft! I hope to make progress on knitting a simple hat, and cast on a blanket. Both are in lushously soft morino. Oh, and you are no doubt wise to avoid WW cake for your celebrations. <3

  6. Oh how I wish I could be there for the Jubilee.. please take photos and share with those of us who can't be there. I wish I had a string of union flag pennants! I descend from England so I have a deep fondness for your home. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. It's hard to get in the "street party" mood with no SUNSHINE isn't it. At our school we have a whole week of celebrations lined up including a tea party, dressing up in each year from the Queens reign(our class 1960s), singing rousing songs and hopefully having some fun. About bloomin time to after all it's those memories that we remember when we grow up not how to use a venn diagram LOL! Sent the sun your way should be with you tomorrow. ♥

  8. Wow- that sounds so exciting!!!
    And go on.............. take your camera around your town, we woudl all love to see such awesomeness!
    It sounds amazing!!
    This is one of the things I love about blogging, you learn so many interesting things, and feel like you travel vicariously

  9. Busy busy busy! And exciting! I would love to be a part of your special party :) How fun. I look forward to seeing pictures of all of your festivities and your "posh" tea ware!
    I'm sorry you've had such a soggy season. Hopefully the coming of June will help to dry things up a bit to a more reasonable level! We wouldn't want it to rain on all the fun!

  10. I think you should take a few photo's so we can all see how fab your town looks all decked out! We have the Olympic Torch happening tomorrow, and I am going to try and get a glimpse :)
    And....I totally agree with you about the weather! Hope you had a good weekend x x x


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