Wednesday 18 April 2012

I am a Winner...well ok, a runner up :)

What an absolutely bloomin bloggy marvelous stroke of luck!  The lovely Dolly Dolly Daydreams aka 'Steph at Show and Tell had a fantastic 'Give Away'.  Steph has a wealth of amazing arty crafty makes on her blog and for sale in her 'Folksy Shop' if you are looking for a 'Special' handmade gift for someone.  Just my cup of tea!  I was delighted when she left me a message saying I had been a 'Runner Up'.  I came home from work today to a little parcel and expected it to be the plastic Tree Frogs I have ordered for the 'Rainforest' project but no ha haaa!  Twas something luvverly and exciting.
A pretty, handmade, 'Fairy' card, complete with flowers and flutterby.  I have resisted card making so far, but handmade cards really are the best.
This is a tiny little bag that Teddy was keeping tied up with pink thread, in my excitement I forgot to photograph it tied.  I was too desperate to see what was inside.  The bag is tiny so the contents were even tinier.
Look how tiny they are on the cushion!  I love them.  Five tiny friends with smiley faces and little bows painted on their shoes.  They are 'Worry Dolls'.
Little buddies that listen to your worries.
I especially like the spectacles.  The dolls feel lovely in your hand and quite heavy.  I don't know what they are made with.  When I was 'little' these would have been my favourites.  I think I like them a bit too much now I am big.  I will wait until the other half has gone to work before I talk to them.  I don't have any worries to tell them right now, but I would like a little 'play' with them.  (The other half would definitely worry if he saw me talking to these, he gets a bit concerned when I get in depth with the chickens and the budgie...the dog is another story...but she is 'Mommy's Princess').
Ha ha!  Can you imagine my delight when I saw him in all his crochet lovliness?  'Percy the Pasty Tax Protester'.  Me and Percy could go far in our battle against the 'Pasty Tax'.  He can come with me and Blog Friend Carol, to 'number ten' to throw pasties at the Prime minister.
          You really should see my keys.  I am rather prone to losing keys.  I overcome this by having the biggest bunch of keys with bright key rings and dilly danglies all over them.  I even have a rubber ducky on them!  Not to worry, there is definitely room for Percy Pasty too.
Pretty beads, tiny bells and buttons.  I am feeling 'Card Making' coming on more and more.  What an eclectic little selection.  The Union Jack button is very cool.  How lovely is Steph?  Answer = Very lovely.  Thanks Steph, you have made a 'Silly' woman very happy indeedy.  How Lucky am I?


  1. Lucky you! Steph makes such fabulous things, I'm lucky enough to have a set of her worry dolls, they are just brilliant! Enjoy all your lovely goodies :-) Laura x

  2. What a cute little collection of gifts :) I had worry dolls when I was young that I made out of wooden clothes pins for bodies and embroidery floss/thread wrapped around in different patterns for "clothes". There is nothing wrong with talking to such things! I found it to be quite therapeutic then, so why wouldn't it be therapeutic now? Enjoy your new little things. Let us know if you decide to take up card making!

    PS~ LOVING Percy Pasty!

  3. You are becoming quite the winner of goodies, aren't you? :-) That's because you're a winner of friends because you're so fun and nice. I got a huge kick out of your pasty purse.. I cannot imagine a tax on a pie. You might have to move to America where you have more freedom. LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Yeah, we've got an accomplice for our pasty chucking - welcome to wonderful Percy!
    Congratulations on your win, what great goodies, the 'follow your dreams' is special. I've made a few cards but only based on my cross stitch. You do see some really wonderful creations.
    Carol xx

  5. I love winning giveaways. I have won two so far and feel really lucky to have done so. I love your gifts. I have some of those worry dolls. Aren't they neat? Congratulations and happy blogging.

  6. What a lovely thing to have come home too! I love it when I get a nice surprise in the mail. :)

  7. What a great bundle of happiness! Love your pasty and those worry dolls are excellent, they work too. Another happy day in the blogosphere, Wonderful!

  8. ^_^ Yay! I'm glad you liked it all...and don't worry (boom boom!) it's ok to talk to the worry dolls you only have to panic if they talk back!!! ^_-
    Happy Hugs ^_^


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