Tuesday 17 April 2012

Homework and The Half Nelson

This must be a very old picture.  It does give you some idea of what I have to go through to get my seven year old to do 'Homework'.  I practically have to pin him down 'Half Nelson' style.  Then he protests solidly for the duration.  It is like a Busman's Holiday to me after I have been teaching all day.  He really is a little stinker!  His task was to research a 'Habitat' and present his findings.  He got on the internet and independently found some great websites.  I thought that was good for a seven year old.  Then he disappeared over to a neighbours, to work with his seventeen year old friend.  After half an hour he came back with a paragraph written about how smelly the Rainforests are because animals 'poo' all over them!  Great!  What is it with boys and 'Pooey stuff'?  Please don't tell me it is just my son.   I am planning a project on 'Rainforests' myself so I found some pictures and information packs.  Tonight I applied the 'Half Nelson' and I we made this poster.
It practically took blood, sweat and tears to produce this.  Euan was very particular about what to stick where and it took him forever to cut out the tarantula.  He likes the Jaguar best and that Tapir better run because the Jaguar likes to eat him.  I like the Sloth.
This little clip is just so adorable.

I am hoping Euan might choose to carry on with this little project at home, but I really won't be holding my breath.  Now I have glue and paper to tidy away, while somebody is snoring soundly in bed!  I think I am too exhausted to pick my crochet hook up tonight and it is a wonder I don't have any grey hairs.  If you have any tips on how to use bribery and corruption to make homework less painful I would gladly pay you for them.


  1. I'm afraid at Euan's age I just don't bother making them do it. If they want to do it fine, but if they don't then I don't force it. Plenty of time when they are older to get stressed about homework.

    1. 99% of the time I totally agree with you on this one, I don't know why I get stressed about it. Kids are learning all the time right? He probably learned homework is something to stress about which completely defeats the object. Reminder to self. . . take hypothetical 'Chill Pill'. :)

  2. Gracious! It sounds like you had one heck of a time getting Evan to work on that assignment! I wish I had some helpful words to give, but sadly I can only wish you the best of luck. Besides that, thanks for sharing that ADORABLE sloth video with us. Too cute ^_^

    1. I am glad you like the ickle sloth isn't he cute! xxx

  3. Lucy, we tried to set up a routine expectation that homework be completed after a snack and before play, but I remember it often being a challenge. As for boys' fixation on the elimination process it seemed the topic was brought up entirely more than I wanted it to be! No, you, my dear, are not alone! <3

    1. Routine would be good, mine is so tired after a day at school and now sunshine and fresh air beckons.... :)

  4. well, at least I'm glad I don't had the only child I have to 'bully' to do any homework! That doesn't help either of us, but at least we're not alone! (Mine's a girl so I don't know about the 'poo' thing!)

    S x

    1. I am definitely chillin about it from now on!

  5. we used brain sweets, one per 5 minutes worked.Bribery yes but necessary.

    1. Yes, genius, that is what I needed 'Brain sweets'! I am all for a bit of bribery. Many a tantrum has been stopped by Cadbury's in this house. :)

  6. I hope that you get a gold star for your project ;) It looks really good! I am sure Euan will buckle down to his homework soon x x x

    1. I hope I get a gold star too! Thanks for your faith :) x

  7. I'm sure most homework is actually done by parents trying to out-do each other :-)

    I've no advice I'm afraid as I was way to cunning and stuck with kittens instead of kids, lol!

    Lori xxx

    1. I really hope I set a good example to the other parents! lol My Nan and Mom were brilliant at homework. Fur babies are the best, I have those too and used to joke when I was pregnant if the child was allergic to pets the child would need re-homing. :)

  8. I have been there, the shouting, the crying, the bribary and that was just me. Now he is in collage he is the one pushing the rest of his group to get the projects finished in time. It all comes good in the end.

  9. Ha ha ha I remember those days sooo well. We used to endure the four o'clock fight. A quick cake and cuppa fix, then down to mass homework session round the dining room table whilst I darted around cooking dinner and applying.............yeh the half nelson technique! Happy days.


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