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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Around The World Blog Hop

It has been a while since I have done any kind of Blog Hop, I am trying to get used to blogging regularly again. (I know I am not exactly succeeding but it is all ok with me).  Sometimes life gets in the way of such pleasures.

Steph at Show and Tell Blog asked me if I wanted to take part in the 'Around The World Blog Hop'.  She said some very nice things about me too, which made me blush a bit.  I had to google the colour Octarine.  You will enjoy Steph's Blog and her 'work', it always makes me smile.
Steph is very clever and works on a wide variety of beautiful textile, art and craft projects.  
This is a page from a Fabric Book Steph is working on.

For the Hop I have to 'tag' three other bloggers and then answer some questions.  Let us see how we go.

My first stop is Israel.  Over to Henya's Blog Chicken Stitches.  Henya's life and work fascinates me.  One of the wonderful things about blogging is we can literally 'hop' around the World and peek in at each others lives.  Lives we would often remain ignorant to.  Not only is Henya a busy mom to eight, by my standards she is a prolific, talented and adventurous knitter, crocheter and pattern designer.  Recently she spotted a lady in a waiting room wearing a machine knit with an unfamiliar stitch she admired, Henya went home and spent a couple of hours getting that stitch right.  She makes and sells beautiful stitch markers and very practical patterns.

  You have time to order stitch markers for Christmas if you are quick and possibly to knit up a pair of Siberian Slippers or two.  (I wish I had a pair right now, it is cold.  Brrrrr).

 I hope you enjoy Henya's Blog as much as I do.

Next stop, we are going to 'The Land Down Under'.  I am pretty sure I will only ever visit Australia by Blog.  Never say never, I know but I am not the most seasoned of travelers and I flap quite a lot when I am away from home.  As a child on the beach I used to think if I dug far enough I really could drop down into Australia.  Next Blog is Ruffs Adventures written by my lovely blog buddy Wendy.  Wendy and I seem to share a sense of humor across the miles. Her blog makes me smile and laugh.  She travels about all over the place and has real adventures.  Ask her the one about the blind Cockatoo.  It makes me laugh every time I think about it. Wendy's crochet creations are usually beautiful gifts for her family or friends.  Some mittens found their way across the globe to me and I love them.  
Wendy manages to craft on her adventures too

My next victim I mean willing Blog Hopper is Sarah at Knits and Crosses.  Sarah is very busy at the moment, she has a 'Wee One' who is a cutie but a 'work stopper' and she is also moving house. Blogging and yarn maybe down her list of priorities at the moment. I really admire her work.  I just love the style of what she makes.  I am always fascinated by her work in progress and her use of colour and texture.  Her knitting and weaving is in my opinion 'works of art'.  Check out her blog and her Etsy shop.  I am not shamelessly advertising for a friend, you will love her work and maybe you are looking for something special as a Christmas gift?  

Now I have to answer questions?  I think I will make this as quick and painless as I can for us all.

What am I working on?
I don't call any of it work.  I play.  I 'work' on several things at once and whatever catches my eye along the way.  Whatever I do I like it to be for pleasure and not a chore.  Recently I have enjoyed knitting, not tinking!  I am still dabbling with 'free form' crochet and I am using ruffle yarn for the first time.  Spinning and crochet are my first loves.  I don't do enough of either and I get frustrated that life gets in the way.  My favourite project so far this year has to be the 'Wool Against Weapons' panels.  
I did not get to the demonstration but I sent four panels, the one being pinned to the fence is one of mine.  I am still proud of it! Craftivism is something I am starting to really enjoy and I love the concept of it.  My next blog post will explain more.

How does my work differ from others in it's genre?
Part of why I 'create' or make is to counterbalance my despair with mass production.  We can't escape it.  I see craft as life skills. spinning, weaving, making fabrics and then garments or utility pieces.  There is something very organic and therapeutic about being able to produce and create your own unique stuff.  The World seems to go too fast for my liking.  Creating is 'Time Out' for me.  I can't understand why everyone is not as enthusiastic about yarn and fluff as I am?

Why do I write or create what I do?
A friend recently stopped me in my tracks by asking me 'Why are you crocheting fungi?'  'Why'?  Do I need a reason?  Why doesn't everyone crochet fungi?  Fungi are amazing and so is crochet putting the two together is my idea of fun.  Seriously, there is no seriously.  Why do anything other than for the reason it makes you 'happy'?

How does my writing/creating process work?
In a very haphazard fashion.  I write to 'discuss' things with like minded people.  If you like what I write you keep coming back.  As a child I had penfriends from all around the world, France, Italy, USA, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, Brazil and more.  I used airmail paper and postage stamps and sometimes it would take weeks for the letters to go on their travels and arrive at their destination.  I have had my penfriend from Zimbabwe for nearly 35yrs. We have never met and we now communicate regularly in real time via facebook. It amazes me!  
    The internet is a great source of knowledge and inspiration.  I have found other people who crochet fungi.  I know, how cool is that?  There really are others out there who crochet fungi.  'Creating' helps me to stop and 'smell the flowers' and to stop and admire natures creations and wonders.   Inspiration and ideas are everywhere.  It is a shame there is only 24hrs in a day.

Thank you for hopping with me.  xx


  1. As a child on the beach I used to think if I dug far enough I really could drop down into Australia.

    LOL I have ceased to be surprised by the number of people "confessing" to that, myself included :-D

    Yes I agree, crafting is very therapeutic. I often wonder of folks who watch a lot of TV, what a lot of crafting they could be doing instead LOL

  2. Gosh , I so love your blog hop with steph , if , and it's a big if , I didn't have a 6 month old bundle of fun, I'd be joining in with you , as it is he is taking up so much of my time , I havent posted in ............... I don't know how long , love your crocheted fungi , great post

  3. I enjoyed learning more about you, your craft processes and your writing. I'm happy to see you posting more.. come on over and visit my blog when you get bored. LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. LOL, I think everyone should crochet a few fungi too. I have a hard time with stuff that isn't exactly practical but maybe sometimes one just needs to have fun! :D Great post~

  5. I had lots of penpals too as a child. Love wool against war.

  6. love the blog hop and the discovery of fellow yarn lovers! like you, i don't quite understand why the rest of my family isn't as enthusiastic about yarn as i am - it boggles the mind!! looking forward to more posts.

    cindy :)

  7. Fabulous hop post! You did much better than me at getting around the world! Ahh! Wool Against Weapons :) That was fab, and twas so awesome to see your panel up there. It does nobody any good to start asking "Why?" Just because is a good enough reason to do anything and especially just because it makes you happy. Who couldn't be happy making fungi!? One of the happiest creative times of my life was when I knitted some neurons! Happy memories ^_^ Beautiful post,thank you for being a willing victim! You sparkly Octarine wonderbubble. XoX

  8. So glad you participated in the blog hop, and am especially glad you introduced my friends Sarah and Wendy! Now I want to go meet Steph and Henya as well. Thanks, Lucy! I love that we can share our creative interests in this format. xx

  9. This is fabulous Lucy and so loved what you wrote about me, do I hope I can do justice as my words often fail me lol

  10. Thanks so much for introducing me in your blog hop - its made me blush! I will get round to nominating other blogs soon....once the de-cluttering/de-junking/sorting for moving has stopped and I am a bit more 'with it' :)

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I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)