Sunday 31 August 2014

The Web Of Our Life Is Of A Mingled Yarn

Look at me with the new 'do' on my Blog. I felt brave enough to fiddle and faff in the settings section and behold...New Look Blog.  I really didn't have a clue what I was doing and things have changed a bit since I last mooched in the settings.  I could do with changing font style and size but that will have to wait it eludes me for now.  They say 'a change is as good as a rest', well I have had both.  I have no clue what direction my blogging is going in, but then I never really did.  It is all ok.  I like being here.  

I think the photograph, that I have used at the top of the Blog motivated me to have a Blog tidy up.  I found it in old picture files on my computer.  It is a photograph of singles that I have spun using 'scrap fibre'.  The 'scrap' was generated by the wonders of cyber space and the UK Spinners group on Ravelry.  People 'pool' their scrap fibre, via some great volunteers and then it gets redistributed in a 'Scrap Swap'.  I love how something beautiful can be made from 'scraps'.   Last night I cropped the bobbin out of the photograph using a photo editor, just to focus on the spun yarn. It 'spun' me off into an arty farty, reflective 'frame' of mind full of metaphor and allusion.  Yep, playing with yarn does that to me.

"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together:
Our virtues would be proud if our faults whipped them not"
All's Well That Ends Well - William Shakespeare 

Thank you for stopping by and please do share any of your own arty farty thoughts with me.  May all of your yarns be beautifully mingled.   ;)  xx


  1. Lovely to see you and your new look blog xx

  2. Loving the new look blog - it looks great :)

    1. Blogs are a bit like Christmas trees once you start faffing with the decorations it is hard to stop! Good to see you. :) xx

  3. Love the new look and the colorful bobbin.

    1. Thank you, now all I need to do is get myself a 'makeover'! :) xx

  4. Any blog that uses a quote from Will is good by me! I love the variety of yarns shown.

    1. You know what they say? 'Where there is a Will there is a way'! xx

  5. Lucy! The new header is beautiful and thought provoking. I love that you have used swapped scraps of fiber to create such pretty yarn that can be used to warm, decorate, and/or inspire those who see it. The technical part of blogging still challenges me, but it is such fun to use blogging as a way of exploring, sharing, and enjoying the arts of life as you and I do :-)
    Thanks so much for caring about the loss of my friend, and delighting with me in the growth of my grand girlies. xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Gracie, I am a bit rusty. ;) xx

  6. Looking fabulous. I am loving the wooly rainbow! XOX

  7. Your header, new do looks fabulous....I still of course have the steam train lol
    Great to see you here too....I still use my blog as a diary of what I do or more likely dont do lol
    take care friend xoxoxo


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)