Monday 2 July 2012

Tour De Fleece Day 3 - This is Planet Earth

This is Planet Earth. . . next for the Sun.  I have to make my own this year!  It is official it was been the wettest and dullest June for over a Century here in the UK.  My tomatoes will never ripen in this.  More wet weather today. . .the chickens are beginning to think they are ducks.  xxx


  1. I don't know about your chickens but I'm going to ask my chiropodist to check for webbing!
    What a fabulous colour.
    Carol xx
    P.s. I'll reveal who came home with me in my next post

  2. LOVE the color! Lovely yarn - I want to squish it! :)

  3. So pretty.. you're such a busy bee! I went swimming then shopping this afternoon.. my nephew's wedding is tomorrow.. at a donut shop! LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. What a fantastic colour! And what a great idea to make your own sun, no point waiting for the real one to make an appearance!!

  5. Sun's on its way Lucy so I've been told...end of July and beg August scorching in British Isles. This forecast comes from THE expert meterologist in Alicante Airport .....aka my daughter's friend (not boyfriend yet). You know what they say about the weatherman in the UK well they think the same here.

    Amanda :-)

  6. Yes, this weather is thoroughly dispiriting isn't it? Your yarn is beautiful though, a splash of colour on a horrid day.

  7. Are you going to do all of the "heavenly bodies" for the Tour?

  8. Love your yarn, If memory serves me right it is the colour of the summer sky but it has been so long since I've seen a summer sky I can't be sure.

  9. i love this colour! ❤

    sorry i've not been along here in a while. i have been busy moving house (or rather half moving house as i had already half moved quite a few moons ago.. although that probably doesn't make much sense it will have to do cos otherwise it's a very long story), celebrating umpteen birthdays and having a second grandchild. i've also changed my name again - in real life! this is not new, i once spent four weeks of my childhood calling myself nutella and another six calling myself jeremy.

    yes the weather we are having is not tomato friendly, the froggies love it though! i just hope it doesn't rain on st. swithun's day (15th july) because then we will be in trouble.


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)