Monday 30 July 2012

Living Off The Fat 'O' The Land!

Today has not been a typical July 30th.  I know this because it is my Mom's 'Happy To You'.  Amazingly she is 21 again and when the children ask her age she says 'I am as old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth'.  It has been a mixed day weather wise, heavy showers and warm sunshine.  My Mom was apparently born at night in a thunder storm.  We went to see her for lunch and Euan presented her with chocolates and Henry presented her with beautiful Yellow Roses.  I got her a Peg Loom and will have to help her to warp it asap.  I also collected my Aunt and her little dog, Daisy to come and have lunch.  It was a nice little get together.
               In the afternoon I finally got to work in the garden.  Weeding.  Forget everything I said in This Post when I was singing the praises of nettles.  When they are strangling my peas and beans they become the enemy!  Common all garden 'Stingers'.  Not a nice job weeding them out of the one raised bed they are determined to take over.  I donned gloves and had nasty thoughts.  I was rewarded for my nasty thoughts by pulling a large nettle and it flew out of the ground into my face, stinging me on the end of my nose and my cheek!  Youch!  War on all nettles from now on!!!  I thought there was nothing to harvest from the garden yet but I had some accidental finds.  I pulled a whole pea plant by mistake, that was disappointing.  I found the first 'runner' beans and some nice round courgettes.  Oh I nearly forgot I pulled this little potato by accident too.  Oh yes...we have rich pickings here.  The fruits of my labour.  High living indeed.
                I am trying hard to be less wasteful with food.  I have a nice little stash of eggs so I decided to make a famous Weight Watcher's Crustless Quiche (or two).  Pre Weight Watchers a Quiche had a nice crisp, buttery, pastry crust, now I am destined to be eating quiche of the 'crustless' variety for the forseable.  (Tut, 'crustless' I ask ya)!
Quiche also used to be packed with cheese if the nice full fat, cheddary kind.  Now it has 'Low Fat Cottage Cheese'.  I suppose cheese is cheese and a gal has to be grateful!  I finely chopped all of my Bountiful Harvest, adding onions and a red pepper, frying them gently in a tsp of Olive oil.  A teaspoon of Olive Oil!  I remember the good old days when Olive Oil was used in glugs too.  They I beat six eggs with 300g of Cottage Cheese and poured it into 'Victoria Sandwich' tins, with the vegetables.  Then I baked in a medium/hot oven until they looked like this.  They are good cold and keep well in the fridge for a couple of days.  Now I have no excuse, they are ready made 'Low Fat' lunches!
This photograph proves it slices like a 'Quiche'.
This photograph also proves it slices like a 'Quiche' and it gives me the chance to show you my favourite plate in the whole world.
I bought it for Euan when he was a baby.  Now he is a 'big' boy, I have inherited it.  Hoorah!
This range of 'Baby' items were sold by Sainsbury's and they were created using original designs drawn by John Lennon for his son Sean.   There is something so simple and happy about these little pictures.  Euan had several items and a cuddly elephant but somehow the plate is all we have left.  I love the birdies.
If they made 'John Lennon' wall paper I would get decorating my living room!  I could live with Happy Elephants and puzzled Birdies everywhere.  Yep, in all, today has been another day in Paradise!  xxx


  1. Sounds like a lovely day, apart from the nettle attack of course, ouch!

    Yessss, I can relate after signing up for weight watchers myself to the frankly teeny amount of olive oil you're supposed to cook with! However, two weeks in and six pounds down already I guess this malarky works :-)The crustless quiche looks pretty good!

    Happy birthday to your mum too.

    Lori xx

    1. Go you! 6lb in two weeks is great. The crustless quiche does look pretty good, but how much nicer it would look with a crispy golden pastry crust...ahhhh...a girl can dream. xxx

  2. We went through a phase of using pasta ( in the packet with built in sauce!) as the base of the quiche and it worked really well. I think it was Weight Watchers. Glad you had a lovely day.Happy wished to your Mum x

    1. I am definitely going to try that Linda, it sounds like it would make a good 'packed lunch' for work. Ooops I am holiday I forgot the 'W' word is a swear word when you are on holiday! :) x

  3. Your quiche looks yummy, even without the crust. Talk to you soon. XOXO

  4. Quiche looks lovely but sorry, have to admire the plate more ;) Euan is only a l year older than Owen and Owen had a yellow musical teddy and a rattle from that "Real Love" range. He loved his teddy so much we had to acquire a second from EBay just in case........... They were so cute we also had the blue musical elephant and rattle for Cain when he was born a year later, and a pink musical ???? and rattle for Granddaughter Sophie who was born the same time. We still have them upstairs, the're the memory that has to stay :)

  5. Are those things in the top corner nettles? I saw that and wondered what on earth they were. I can only assume they're nettles based on your post! I'm glad you got some worthwhile bits out of your garden. Hopefully there will be many more to come. The quiche looks very yummy despite it being crustless. Spinach is a delicious add-in to quiches and very healthy too! Do you have any in your garden? Anywho, your plate is darling and I love that John Lennon "designed" it :)

    1. Lacey those 'things' in the top corner are my 'Prized' courgettes! (Zucchini) They are a spherical variety. I think they are very cute. The more you pick the more you get allegedly. I did not photograph the bucketfuls of nettles they are all squished in the compost heap where they belong! I usually have spinach I don't think it is too late in the year to plant some more. :)

  6. Glad you ate having a happy holiday, Lucy =].
    Hugs from Gracie

    1. Thanks Gracie, I see you have been on your travels too :) x

  7. Hi Lucy, your quiche looks very good. When my chickies begin to lay I will have to make some of those. Sounds like your Mom had a very nice birthday. Our boys came out today with their boys and I picked up fried chicken for everyone and we ate on the deck. I'm tired from all the action lately. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Your New Chickens look great. I think you should spend some down time next to the coop! Your boys do keep you on your toes! xxx

  8. Om nom nom your quiche looks yummy! There is nothing better than eating your own produce too x x

  9. Oh yes a fave in this house too!

  10. Looks absolutely yummy. Will try this when it is cooler again as I don't want to heat up the whole house with the oven...
    The plate is so sweet :-)


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