Thursday 5 July 2012

Jupiter As Seen From Voyager 1

I am still spinning away for the Tour De Fleece 2012.  I am now working on 'Jupiter'.
I had this 'Acid Dyed, Blue Face Leicester fibre in my stash already.  I bought it at a Guild sale.  I think it is perfect for 'Jupiter'.
It may have something to do with a sudden craving for a juicy ripe peach too.  I am now in need of a shower, it was a real juice down your chin, wrists and elbows T shirt needs a wash too, it was a delicious peach though!
At Weight Watchers today I have hit my 10% Goal, I have now lost 10% of my total body weight.  I must keep going though, I still have a long way to go.  Juicy peaches are acceptable.  I have been baking for Euan's School Summer Fete tomorrow, Cherry Flapjacks and Iced Buns.  I managed to resist all but a small nibble of the Cherry Flapjacks but the Iced Buns proved too much temptation.
I nearly forgot to photograph them to show you, I took the flapjacks this morning and forgot to photograph those.
Euan provided a quality control service after school and the Iced Buns got the thumbs up.  Thursdays are busy days for him, he has a school Swimming lesson, then after school he enjoys 'Dodgeball Club'.  He does look hot and bothered in this picture.  He should have had his Annual Sports Day on Monday (which he hates), he was delighted it was cancelled due to the torrential rain, however. . . they say be careful what you wish for. . . it has been rescheduled for his birthday on Tuesday.  XXX


  1. Love the colour of your yarn. Like Evan my Boys hated school sports day as well. The only good thing about it was the sweets the teacher passed around.

  2. The colors and texture of the fiber you are racing to spin are ***out of this world,*** Lucy!!! Evan looks like an excellent quality control specialist...even if a bit hot and bothered :) We are into our second day of sunshine this week...hoping you are having sunnier weather, too!
    Gracie <3

  3. Lucy.. your weight loss is admirable! I'm proud of you! I love all the spinning you've done. Love the yellows and oranges! Your iced buns look yummo.. and VERY professional! Good for you!! We finally have summer here.. I'm excited!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. All wonderful,cakes, Evan and weight disappearance
    You are a star x
    Kindest Regards Linda

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss, brilliant achievement.
    Love Jupiter, I haven't got peaches in the fridge but a blush pear is now calling me!
    Carol xx

  6. Congratulations on the weight loss, you are very inspiring with this!!
    Love the yarny colours too

  7. This is getting better and better another lovely colour and great name,Jupiter,reminds me of blood oranges
    Well done for your weight loss!

    Amanda :-)

  8. Oooo Jupiter! I've been helping my son with his Astronomy this week, very cool.My weight loss has stalled and I need re motivating, you are doing so well, keep up the excellent work.

  9. Wowsers your yarn looks amazing and the cakes look good too :P Can I have one? Poor Euan having his sports day rescheduled for his birthday.....perhaps he'll be lucky and it'll get cancelled again!

  10. Congratulations on your weight loss! That yarn is beautiful! On another note, I need the recipe for those yummy looking buns! Anyway you could share, please?! ♥

  11. The yarn is a perfect match to that fabulous picture of Jupiter and peaches!

    Congratulations on the weight loss, I'm starting on weight watchers in a week or two so I hope to be as successful as you have been :-)

    love Lori xxx

  12. Aw! Poor Evan. To have it rescheduled on his b-day. He certainly is a cutie. Love the red hair!

    Your Jupiter spinning is stunning. You've captured the color blend perfectly.

    Thank you for your recent comment on the Sunday Scripture post. Your comment was such a blessing to me. (I tried to email you back earlier, but found you are a no reply blogger. Not sure if you knew that. I was for a year before I found out. Has something to do with a setting in your profile. If you google it, the directions for changing pop right up).

    Blessings to you this day, my friend! Happy spinning :-)


I appreciate and enjoy reading all of the feedback from your comments. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and sharing your thoughts. Sadly I have found it necessary to enable word verification, something I was trying to avoid...but I am receiving an unmanageable deluge of Spam! We don't want that do we? xxx :)