Sunday 1 July 2012

Olympic Torch Comes To Town

Our Town was packed out with crowds by 9am this morning as the Olympic Torch relay was on it's way through the centre.  Henry was not 'ready for the weekend' as his T shirt says, he was rather Grumpy when I woke him at 7.30am on this fine Sunday morning for 'a Once in a Lifetime' event.  If it was not for Euan's enthusiasm I don't think any of us would have been out of bed.

 I did have to get up to three noisy chickens 'trumpeting' at 6.15am though.  They had an early release and cake for breakfast.  My parents collected us at 8.30 and we went for breakfast and a cup of tea in town, then on to squeeze in a space in the crowds.
First came a Coca Cola bus, and a man with his little dog!  Then plenty of security, flag sellers, hat sellers, medal sellers, things to bang and wave sellers and a few more flag and hat sellers.  We waited, we waited and we waited.  Then the crowds all started to cheer and the flags were flying as the torch bearer jogged into view.
This little fella had made his own torch and lapped up the crowd's attention as he tried to steal the limelight the crowd cheered and clapped.

Finally here is the real torch, the torch bearers through the town were two young men that had overcome serious disability and illness.  They were very warmly welcomed by the crowds.
Blink and you would have missed it!  I was rather anxious I would let my 'Blog Audience' down and not even get a shot of the 'Olympic Torch'.  I managed these two shots!  Once the flame passed through there were 'Street Entertainers', a drum/calypso band, some flame juggling and a man on a funny bike!
Not the most comfortable of rides I should imagine as one of those wheels was between his legs.  Just above the traffic lights you can see a row of buildings, they are all commercial buildings now, my Grandmother lived in one of those as a girl, above her fathers 'Pork Butchers' shop.  She used to have to be home by the strike of the church clock and if she was late she was in danger of having her backside literally kicked!
The church bells were ringing this morning and here are my Parents taking a leisurely stroll back to the car!  Quite enough excitement for one day!


  1. looks so bright and colourful, we are so excited as we await the arrival of the torch on Tuesday!


  2. PS, Mr Grumpy will thank you for it eventually, lol!!

  3. One day the Henry will be happy he attended. I was 16 when the torch passed through our town for the LA Olympics. I will never forget how exciting it was. And yes, somehow that makes me 44. Yikes. Evan has the right idea. I love his excitement. What a sweetie.

  4. How totally fun that is! Euen's happy face made my day! Your parents walking in front of the church is a pretty shot. When are you going to show us your pretty face? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Our turn is a couple of weeks away, unfortunately on a Monday morning so I may have to duck out as if it creeps to close to work time. Our school is not giving late marks on that morning, but the staff have to be there......on time.....or else! Don't you just love draconian bosses!

  6. Looks like a fun time. We were away when it came here, would have liked to have been there to honour local hero Ben Parkinson.


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