Wednesday 16 May 2012

Lucy 'Proud to be Crabby'

I have told you before I love 'Peanuts'.  I used to have a huge collection of 'Peanuts' books in my teens.  I was a very crabby teenager and 'Peanuts' used to cheer me up and make me laugh out loud.  Lucy has always been my favourite, closely followed by Snoopy, Woodstock, Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty....oh lets just say she was my favourite, closely followed by all of the rest.  I admit the last week or so, I have been 'Proud to be Crabby' too.  I think it could well be the diet Healthy Eating Plan!  It may be work!  Sometime things get silly at work!  It maybe exercising has made me tired and crabby?  It may be home.  Last week I had a scare with the electrics when my OH was at work on a night shift.  One of the light switches was hot hot hot!  I noticed at 11.30 one night.  I did not really know what to do, so I turned the fuse box off and went out to the shed in a gale and rain, with a cigarette lighter for light!  I found an extension lead for the freezer, isolated the lights and had a fitful nights sleep thinking of all the nasty scenarios there could have been.  I need my sleep if I am to function happily.  OH arranged for a very helpful electrician who came out the next day and sorted it out and made us safe again.  He couldn't replace my lost sleep though.  I was struggling to smile.  I staggered into Blog Land to find a lovely message from  I had entered her Blog Give Away.

I won a prize!  Nothing like the winning of prizes to give one a smile!
Now this cheered up Crabby old me immensely.  I had won a prize of crochet lovliness.  The photograph does not do them justice at all.  A cheerful garland of Crochet Flowers with a sparkly in the centre of each one and beads on either end of the garland.  I realise my 'crabbiness' is fairly fickle and it is easily banished by 'Crochet Lovliness'.  They redressed the balance of my 'lot' fantastically.   I have hung them opposite my front door so they greet me when I come home.  They remind me that if I am feeling crabby, happiness is not far away.  It is often to be found in yarny stuff.  I just have to remember to look for it!   Do pop along to Sue's Folksy Shop, especially if you are feeling a bit Crabby, you might just find a little something to make you happy again.  :)  xxx


  1. You are allowed to be crabby every now and then. That way you enjoy the happy bits more.

  2. I've been losing sleep lately too and it makes me crazy. I'm very sensitive to nuance so I can get offended easily.. then I lay in bed and worry about the offense and why people are mean and why I'm not a better person and the things I know I've done wrong and on and on.. Congrats on the win.. very pretty prize! Chin up, you have lots of people who love you. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. you have had much good reason for crabbyness (crikey, how do you spell it?) lately. hot light switches! i would have felt a bit panicky about that. form your posts it does sound like you have a very nice OH. the crocheted garland you won looks very pretty indeed. i would have been as pleased as punch myself.

    glad that things sre balancing out of the more cheery side now :)

  4. p.s. sorry for the typos, i double checked too, it's only when i triple checked (afer i posted, darn) that i spotted them.
    but i was going to come back anyway to say that my daughter and i have always loved snoopy, woodstock, lucy, linus and the rest of the gang. we have some of the books and a couple of dvd's too.

  5. I like Lucy too and can understand why you have hint of crabbiness about you. Sometimes you just have to let it all out!

  6. Oooooh - love that garland. Winning is so fun!!

  7. Well, you did it again, Lucy, even though you have suffered through a crabby time, you inspired me to laugh out loud, after I read the Peanuts cartoon you shared. You are a winner! Bravo!

  8. Love your prize, and thanks for your comments over at mine,

  9. Ahhhh Thanks Lucy for those lovely words and I'm so glad I managed to cheer you up! I'm right with you on the electrics front( I turn the power off at the fuse box just to change a bulb!)scary stuff isn't it. Hope your week's improved and big thanks for the shout out for my little shop.
    Love Sue♥

  10. Sorry to hear things have been a bit rough lately. It is good that you received a bit of yarny color to bring a smile to your face again :) Chin up!


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