Monday 28 May 2012

Just Another Day in Paradise

It is still exceptionally hot here.  I have been going through the mill a little health wise, nothing I want any sympathy for, you understand, it is just I do not really have much other news to share.  Euan and I both have horrible heat rashes/viral rashes not sure which.  The joys of being redheads in the heat!  This morning I got us both a doctors appointment as Euan also has a very painful eye infection that has come on suddenly and I have psoriasis and my 'bleeping' back has decided to be very naughty again!  It is very painful and took about twenty micro moves to get out of bed this morning.  I am taking a veritable cocktail of medications!  Not good.  This evening it ceased up when I was on the sofa and I could not get up, both boys came to my aid and shoved and pulled me,  while I could not help yowling and howling!  Henry got me more pain killers and Euan stuffed a cushion behind me!  Thankfully this is a temporary condition but it is rather humbling being at the mercy of  my children.  Not a great state to be in.
               My parents came down today, my Mom helped with housework and my Dad planted my Runner Beans and Tomatoes.  I am very grateful.  I had to photograph these silly girls!  I do not know where these plastic tubs came from, but we have had them for years and I plant them up with vegetables or flowers.  This tub is/was planted up with the Oca, my new vegetable of the year.  I do not hold out much hope for it now as the girls have adopted this particular tub for their 'dust bathing' and 'sun bathing'.
They do look hot and tired.  Dust bathing is excellent for them to cool off and keeps them free of bugsies!  Of course they are Ginger Ninjas too and I think they suffer in the heat, they do have the option of shaded shrubs and have been spending lots of time hidden from view.  I still only have to whistle and they come running like hungry puppies!  They have been very naughty in the heat and their happy 'We have laid our eggs' song has got louder, longer and earlier!  They are very noisy at about 6.30am until I let them out to run around the garden and then you don't hear them at all!  I am expecting a complaint about noise any day soon!
                My friend popped in this afternoon, to drop off 'Herman the German'.  My friend Sue and I have been friends since we were 11, she is a great buddy, we have lots in common, we both like gardening, cooking and we can happily talk about dogs all day long.  Sue is a professional dog groomer and works to a really high standard.  I am always impressed with her skills.  We go back a long way together.  Time always passes too quickly with Sue and we 'chin wag' a lot with each other.  Herman will be staying at our house for about ten days.  He came with an A4 sheet of instructions that I have misplaced already!  They will turn up. . .
Herman is a 'German Friendship Cake', Sour Dough Starter.  If I look after him right he should be ready to divide into four in ten days time.  One will make a cake, two will be passed on to friends with instructions and one will be kept to do the whole thing again!  Fingers crossed Herman likes it here and does what he is supposed to do.  Little bubbles have appeared over the last four hours.  He is like having a new pet.  Hermy is Mommas new baby!  Have any of you had any experiences with a 'Herman' of your own?  I will keep you posted as to his progress.
Love to All Yall!  xxx


  1. How adorable are the chickens in their tub! Sorry to hear you are under the weather with soooooo many things, fingers crossed you start to feel better soon.

    1. They are cute aren't they all squished in together, I am sure I will be on the mend asap. :) x

  2. Oh my goodness.. you are having a health challenge for sure! Do you have some window air conditioners to cool your home? We have 2 of those that really help us during heat spells. I have psoriasis too! It's gotten a lot worse over this year, I think the stress of my daughter leaving and taking my granddaughters really exacerbated it. Your chooks look hilarious in that bucket. I hope the neighbors don't complain.. I love the sound of them. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Your average house in the UK does not do air conditioners, the weather does not usually call for them. It would be a great investment though. Currently I have been propping the front door open with an old stone hot water bottle! Does arf urt if you stub your toe on it! Psoriasis is a weird one and is greatly exacerbated by stress or emotions. (((Hugs)))

  3. I am so glad those chickens are OK, when I saw the picture pop up in Google Reader I thought they were permanently asleep for a second. I'm so glad I was wrong. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. You made me laugh....permanently asleep! They do look it though don't they? :) xxx

  4. Hi Lucy, it is supposed to be getting cooler so ,hopefully your rash will calm down. I don't usually get a heat rash but have had it on my arms and legs today too.
    Your hens look so cute in their bucket!
    Hope you are soon feeling much better.
    Carol xx

    1. Carol it is my bucket not theirs! I may climb in with them tomorrow see if it does anything for the rash! lol :) x

  5. Sorry you are not feeling great, I do hope you are back to your old self soon. Your chickens in that planter really made me smile!

    1. I couldn't help laughing at them, even though I don't think anything will grow now. I think them chickens would love their own sandpit! :) xxx

  6. Have read about Herman on Honey.Bumble's blog ... He's certainly getting around! Aren't chickens funny? Your girls look really happy and contented. I love it when mine come running at the slightest sound ... Have a lovely week and hope you're feeling better soon, Claire xxx

  7. I had a similar reaction to HillyT re your chooks, such a relief to read on! Herman has visited here too, about this time last year, he stayed for quite a while too! I still have the instructions on the computer if you need them.

    It is very warm isn't it! Hope your ailments improve quickly. Nothing worse than a bad back. :( xx

  8. Heat rashes are the worst. It's pretty toasty here too. Hopefully it'll clear up soon! It's very nice of your family to help care for you in the meantime. It's good your chicks have found a way to stay cool!

    We had a few Herman-esque items visit my home growing up, only it was an Amish bread with a very sweet flavor. It was always exciting to receive some :) I hope he grows up nicely for you!

  9. So sorry for your ailments!!! I have been battling a pulled/re-pulled muscle/ligament for weeks and am ready to be healed!!! I have a little spot of problem skin as well. Lucy, you, Teresa and I have entirely too much in common(: Your chickens are cute even if naughty. I have enjoyed Friendship cake before and hopefully Herman will be enjoyable as well. Cheering you and Evan on to good health <3

  10. I am sorry you are not on your usual sky high form! I hope you are back up soon!
    I wish I was close enough to share the friendship mixture-- Your friend sounds lovely as do your boys and parents-- all for a special lady methinks. Love Linda

  11. Ugh, sorry to hear about your ailments :( I hope your back behaves itself and sorts itself out soon! Your chickens crack me up, they are proper little characters! As for your sourdough nom nom there is nothing better than sourdough bread and I am insanely jealous x x x

  12. Oh poo, hope you're both feeling better with the rashes and your back. I can relate, I take enough tablets every day to rattle but without them my joints seize up and I'm totally useless! Your girls look like they are having great fun though, poor things must be feeling the heat!

    Lori xx

  13. we had a gerbil named herman :3
    i know you said you don't want any sympathy but you are darn well gettting some from me whether you like it or not! lots of it! i have experience of being a red-head with rashes and 'scruciating backache and know that it's not nice. i hope that you and evan are both better soon xx good job you have such sweet kids and parents to help.
    love the dust-bathing ninjas❤


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