Sunday 22 April 2012

Sunday Times

No rest for the wicked, Pedro, myself, the dog and My Boot camp trainer were up and out by 9am.  Good job too because there is another large grey cloud overhead now.  We headed off for the local lake.  I hobbled a bit as my exercise regime is taking its toll.
I stopped to admire the flowers, I love Cowslips.  Euan spotted the next image and asked me to take a picture for my blog, we both thought it was very funny.
 Mr Duck sitting there, hint hint!  Sorry Mr Duck no bread today, we were on a mission.  The lake was busy, so I am sure the ducks will be stuffed silly by bedtime.
Some of Her Majesty's birds.  There are some historical quirks left in our country and one is that all wild Mute Swans on open water are the property of the Queen.
Here is my 'Boot Camp Instructor' demonstrating the Outdoor Community Gym Equipment.  This equipment is great, there are several ways in which one can choose to punish and torture oneself on a Sunday morning.  I know I enjoyed it!  I did ten thingamee bobs which involved lifting my body weight!!!  As you pull down your seat goes up!  I am sure they will get much easier if I lose weight.
There are about six lots of various mechanics to choose from and people just hop on.  I nearly did myself a mischief the last time on a 'Body Toner', I gave that a miss today.  It seemed easy at the time but I ached like stink the next day!  I am afeard to make a mockery of myself in public, it is not lady like to grunt and groan and huff and puff whilst one is on a Sunday jaunt.  Will have to be up even earlier if I want to use the Community Outdoor Gym without an audience.
          I thought the little clump of Cowslips were lovely but plodding on I was rewarded for my efforts with this little meadow of wild Cowslips.
Homeward bound across what we call the 'Kingfisher Bridge' if you are lucky you can see a Kingfisher from here, I have seen one once and it was a flash of electric blue.  Euan has seen one too.
Now these are a stink but a foragers delight. . .
Very very pungent 'Wild Garlic'.  I remember Henry picking some and putting it in his pocket when he was younger his coat stank for days!  I have made 'Wild Garlic' soup once but quite frankly it was awful.  We leave it in situ now and admire it in the ground.
           One last bloom absolutely synonymous with Spring:
May Blossom, which will feed the hungry birds in the Autumn with Hawthorn berries.  My grandmother used to say 'Ne'r cast a clout til May be out!'  It is an old saying that you should not go out without your coat until the May blossom is out.  I did indeed go out without my clout coat today.
          I hobbled home, to cook the Sunday Lunch.  After all this healthy healthy healthy malarkey, I so needed a stodgey pudding!  I wanted 'Bread and Lots of Butter and Sugar Pudding', so I invented a 'Bread and Butterless' Pudding which was almost as good.  It contained sugar substitute, Vanilla extract,  no butter and my nicest chuckie eggs.  It hit the spot!
             Tomorrow is Saint George's day, also locally William Shakespeare's Birthday is celebrated he was born on 23rd April 1564 and Died on the 23rd April 1616.  That is not good is it?  To die on your Birthday.  I have made a mental note to self to try not to do that!  Tomorrow is the day I will announce the 'Blog Give Away Winners', I am working though, then will come home and have Mumsey stuff to do.  I will post the winners on here tomorrow night.
Love Lucy :) xxx


  1. I love today's post. Great fun to read.
    The may blossom is not out yet by us - so my 'clout' has not yet been cast. Here's hoping for some warmer weather soon.
    Best wishes.

    1. Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the post. :) It is funny isn't it the variation in climate even though we are a tiny island? :)

  2. I have started to walk to work. I figure if you can suffer through 'boot camp' I can walk the few blocks to work. I really need to jump in and start to really exercise though. I pulled my stationary bike out to the living room. Let's see if it gets used or just becomes another place for everyone to hang their jackets. No one knows where the coat closet is except me, lol.

    1. Love it! One of those bikes would be useful in our living room, to hang coats and bags on! :) x

  3. That gym equipment stuff is popping up everywhere lately. Never been tempted by it myself but the boys love it. I walk anything from 3-8 miles in working day so that's enough for me :)
    Maybe I should get a little pedro of my own?

    B xx

    1. I don't know how much this equipment costs or how long it will last, I love the concept though. I am not sure I like the idea of paying for a gym, but these outdoor ones seem to attract young and old alike to just hop on and do a little bit more than you normally would. I hope more pop up. :)

  4. Dang, Lucy.. hubby read your blog and says.. look what LUCY is doing.. look how good LUCY is being.. it looks like she's really DEDICATED.. I'm quite PROUD of her. Maybe you need to send Euen to Oregon to keep me on task? How much does he rent out for? OK, off to pack up for the beach... leaving soon. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. You may return home to a red head on your doorstep, it is a generous offer for you to take him off my hands! I am chuffed hubby is impressed but I really need to keep it going don't I, that is going to be the tricky part. You get Teresa's Crochet Bag packed and get set for a lovely trip. :) xxx

  5. hi yes i agree another lovely post, the oudoor gym looks fantastic, never seen them before,I thought" nae cast a clout till may is out" meant not going out without your vest on (not that anyone wears vests anymore)
    thanks for leaving comment on my blog, nowhere as exciting as you said for giving my books away(i wish airport)
    mainly at work , I work in a Pharmacy and to the local library which has been taken over by volunteers to save it from closure

    1. Oh Joan, don't get me started about local Libraries...I am still coming to terms with the pasty Tax! I should really use the library more, 'use it or lose it'. Maybe you should do a PR Stunt, a book Give Away at the Volunteer run library, it would bring them a bit of publicity, hand out books and hot pasties. It is very exciting to have been selected as a book giver, I really like the concept. :)

  6. Thank you for sharing your Sunday amble with us.
    Jayne x

    1. Same time, same place next week if you would care to join me on the 'Body Toner'! :) x

  7. Lucy! I hope you intended to provoke laughter as a part of your post, because I LOLed a lot! [also especially for Teresa's comment] What a great idea [even if a bit dangerous] to have exercise gym type equipment in your park. I enjoyed seeing your surroundings which are similar to places here in the Portland area. And as for the swans . . . it is interesting that only the mute swans are the Queen's. Finally, yummy pudding without butter, Bravo! <3

    1. My favourite quote is from Ozzy Osbourne 'I don't know if people are laughing at me or with me, but at least they are laughing.' :) xxx

  8. Fun post :) I particularly like the picture about feeding the ducks! The cowslips look neat too. I've never seen them before around here. Another thing I've never seen before is that pudding. Bread puddings aren't very common in my neck of the woods and I'm simply curious as to what all is in it. It looks interesting!

    1. That is the link to My Recipe for Traditional Bread and Butter pudding, today's version had no butter or sugar. I mixed sugar substitute/zero calorie stuff with the eggs, milk and vanilla. It tricked my brain anyway. That duck was funny wasn't he waiting to be fed? Cowslips used to grow in abundance but are on the decline like many wildflowers, I have a recipe for 'Cowslip' wine but you would be hard pushed to gather the quantities of flower heads that you would need and it would be far too tragic to pick them all. :)

  9. The Outdoor Gym near us has Asian ladies of a certain age in full shalwar kameez gently exercising. No lycra for them!

    1. They are brilliant I think for engaging any member of the community who does not wish to go to a Gym, I have only ever been to a gym twice and that was about 20 years ago, I hated it. I also do not like the cost. I like the way people just hop on, have a little go and hop off again. In the photograph of Euan for example, Euan is seven and the gentleman on the other side of the 'trainer' looked about seventy. Also people use them for serious workouts with stopwatches, proper clothes and energy drinks!

  10. I really like wild garlic, so am sorry to read that you did not enjoy your soup :( Try making some wild garlic pakoras, it may change your mind!

    I've seen anumber of these green gyms since moving to Wales, never saw any in Scotland. I think its a fab initiative and free too, just need to courage to exercise in the open.

  11. What a lovely walk you had, so pretty, apart form that scary equipment!

  12. I love the idea of communal gym equipment like that! What a genius idea!
    Great pictures too :)

  13. We have just had an outdoor gym installed in a local park and I have had loads of fun playing on it! Now I just need to stop eating sooooo many sweeties.

    1. I know a good way to stop you eating so many them to me! ;)

  14. A lovely post. The cowslips are lovely, worth the exercise I'd say!

  15. lovely photos and yummee pud!

  16. Looks and sounds like a perfect start into a sunday! I love being out early.
    We grow some wild garlic in the back of the garden and had a lovely pesto made from it.


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