Monday 2 April 2012

Monday Mystery

Euan took the above photograph this morning.  We were both amazed when we went to collect our three eggs this morning.  I do not know how this happened?  It definitely is not an April Fool.  Somebody has laid a pure white egg.  I have done a bit of research on the internet and read it can happen rarely.  It can happen as the result of the hen having a shock or trauma.  I do not know what could have caused this.  Usually white hens lay white eggs, brown eggs lay brown eggs, all of our eggs have been brown apart from this bright white egg.  All three girls look well enough today and are running around in the sunshine as usual.  When they first started to lay we got double yolkers, occasionally we get a 'Wobbly' soft shelled egg, the shell is soft and squishy but the egg inside is fine.  I haven't cracked the white egg yet so I don't know if it is 'normal' inside.  How strange, I just had to share it.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment made me laugh, we love a good Mystery too. Isn't it weird?

  2. Well fancy that! I've learnt something today! I do hope none of your girls had a shock or trauma!

    1. I have been Googling all about Chickens and egg production and pigmentation today, I am on my holibobs for Easter, I should be ready for a PHD on Chickens and Eggs soon :) Just one thing I am stuck on. . . what did come first the Chicken or the Egg?

  3. Or, perhaps your other half has a good sense of humour?

  4. Nope, I put the girlies to bed, my other half got up and went to work at Midnight. I went to let them out this morning and there was the white egg? Other half is as mystified as I am.

    1. I was thinking of some teenager :-)
      But after all your research you are the pro and I do believe you if you say it can happen...
      But still a mystery who was it and what will come next???

    2. I will be racing up the garden in my PJs tomorrow morning at about 6.30 to see what is going on, I wonder if I will get another white one, or back to brown again? I am usually last to bed and first up, the teenager rarely makes it to the top of the garden...far too uncool maaannnn! He might mess his hair up or something!

  5. Very weird. You'll have to crack it and see if it's normal in every other way.

    1. I couldn't resist I cracked it and it is normal in every other way. Apparently an egg takes 26 hours from start to finish, pigmentation is the last thing in the process, I think whichever chicken it was, she ran out of paint!

  6. so so funny , reading your replies, did it taste as good as it looked? loved your last post on why you love blogging , i could easily relate to your answers, must visit some of your blog buddies, one reason why i love blogging is when i get a comment so thanks for that

    1. The Egg is in the fridge in a covered glass. It will be scrambled for breakfast. My oldest son is 15 nearly 16 and is into building muscles...tut tut, today for the first time he drank raw eggs with milk and orange juice...bleurghh! You know what I will have to do if demand outstrips supply?...Yep more chicky babies! I love comments too Joan, I am and always have been a chatterbox, so chatting via a keyboard in cyber space is great it gives everyone else in this house some peace and quiet too. They get bored of discussing, chickens, fibre, yarn etc. xxx

  7. White eggs look pretty! I did chuckle at your comment about running out of paint! X

    1. 7am PJ run, Euan had Dressing gown and wellies, I had bed head and PJs, we ran up the garden. . .1 brown egg so far. . .

  8. I'm still thinking that someone pulled a prank on you.. :-) But I do hope that one of your girls wasn't traumatized! Maybe a fox was staring at them through the chicken wire? I'm wondering where my package is that I sent to you... over the Atlantic? Fun fun! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. My parents are thinking a prank too, but I really, really, really don't think so. I did find one broken strand of wire for their coop yesterday, I have seen Mr or Mrs Fox about a couple of times, never in the garden though. It is prime time for hungry foxes to be feeding their young. We also have three persistent cats that are around for most of the day, but I don't worry too much about them, I just leave the girls out as I think my Ginger Ninja's could Kick a Cat's Butt! There is a hawk too and I have witnessed him Kill and eat two pigeons from the garden in the eight years we have lived here. Not a pretty sight. I saw a hawk recently on my way to work. Sheeeshh! It is wonder these chickens are not nervous wrecks! (BTW It is too soon for me to start stalking the Postman isn't it? I already think the postie thinks I have a crush on him! Jeepers, I am old enough to be his mother!)

  9. Strange indeed, what a surprise to find that in your chicken coop! They all look lovely though.

  10. I love the little surprises in life. Hope it turns out normal :)

  11. How strange, sounds like the 'scared' chicken is ok though. We get sparrowhawks, think they think our bird feeding station is 'meals-on-wings'.
    Carol xx


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