Friday 15 April 2011

Cheese Straws

These always go down well in my family.  They are very simple to make and use up pastry that is over from making pies, pasties or flans.  I just mix in 50g of Mature Cheddar grated, roll out into a rectangle and cut into straws.  Then I sprinkle them with a little more grated cheese and bake in a medium oven until they are golden brown.  (approximately 20 minutes).  You can add a half teaspoon of English Mustard Powder, or a pinch of ground cayenne pepper to the pastry dough both help to enhance the flavour of the cheese.  They make a nice savoury snack or a tasty accompaniment to soup.  They are also good for children to practice their baking skills.


  1. Thanks for the ideas. I made very tasty pasties today. I made shortcrust pastry. They turned out very well and I was able to freeze some, uncooked for another meal. Cheese straws from left-overs. Hubby loves them : )

  2. My mom used her leftover pastry by sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon and baking them for us kids to enjoy. Good memories.

    Hugs from Oregon, USA -- Teresa :-)

  3. I love, love, love your recipes!!!
    Thanks for sharing!


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