Saturday 19 February 2011

Quick and Healthy Strawberry and Banana Smoothies

My sons have both got coughs and colds, so they are not eating much and are in need of a vitamin boost.  We were given 350g of strawberries yesterday.  In the summer I often make smoothies as a way of 'sneaking' extra vitamins into the children.  Smoothies make a healthy, quick and filling snack/drink.  They are ideal for a healthy breakfast or a 'snack' at any time of the day.

350g of strawberries
2 bananas
50g of rolled oats
2 tablespoons of clear honey
1 large tub of Natural yogurt

Put all the ingredients together in a large jug and whizz until smooth with a hand blender like this:
These did not last very long!


  1. Hey I like those Luce, might have a go myself. Sue has an old smoothy maker and I put a cup of boiled water with Jordons cereal with honey....easy food. X

  2. Looks great,
    You know, here over on the continent, it is impossible to find the real good rolled oats, to make this delicious porridge, the Quackers just are not the same.

    greetings from Brussels

  3. Muman, it looked pretty on the living room floor after Euan spilt the second one that he nagged for!

  4. Elizabeth, oats do seem to vary accross the globe, I could not find 'steel cut' oats for an american recipe. You can not really notice them in a smoothie as they are well blended, they seem to make the texture smoother and take some of the acidity away from the fruit.

  5. Have you tried freezing bananas and then blending them with (frozen) strawberries? I use a food processor. I don't know if a hand blender would be strong enough.

  6. Shirley,
    I havn't tried that, but I will do. I have done frozen raspberries with yogurt. It made frozen yogurt rather than a smoothie. :)

  7. My youngest just had her wisdom teeth out, so I too have been making smoothies lately! They are always yummy!


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