Sunday 30 January 2011

Dig for Victory

Today there was some long awaited sunshine.  I have been thinking about the garden a great deal, but the time is not right to do anything about it yet.  This week I have been buying vegetable seeds in anticipation to start the growing year again but the ground has been frozen solid.  I did manage to get out and mooch about and see what is going on out there.  It looks sorry for itself but already there are signs of life and rejuvenation.  The first plant to bud each year is my big old blackcurrant bush, I only have one and it grows enough currants for at least 5lbs of jam each year.  I wait for optimum ripeness then I have to race the Blackbird to get them all picked.

Big Old Blackcurrant Bush - Always the first plant to bud
 I also have Raspberry canes, they are rather intrusive and love my garden so now my neighbour has lots too, wether he wants them or not!

Somewhat invasive Raspberry canes
 Last Year for my Birthday I had three large raised beds put in to the garden, they do not look great at this time of year but there is still plenty going on in there and in the summer when they a brimming with fresh green peas, courgettes, tomatoes, broad beans, turnips, beetroot, lettuce, chillis, rocket, herbs, spinach, onions, potatoes and runner beans they look alot more inviting. 
Please note Percy Pigeon observing the goings on.  We rescued a baby pigeon last year and nursed him for about a week until he left.  We worried about him like you would a pet.  We kept releasing him and then finding him wondering down the path at night in the dark, looking little and vulnerable.  He would bed down in a wicker basket with a Digestive biscuit soaked in  milk for supper, then go about his business again during the day.  One day he was strong enough to leave the garden and now four regularly feed here.  I am sure one is Percy, he has that look about him.
On closer inspection today there are still small tasty offerings to be had, that have proven their resilience against the extreme winter weather.
Kohl Rabi
Lovely Leeks

Curly Kale
Jerusalem Artichokes

Amazing Sage will soon be covered in flowers and Bumble Bees

'Greensleeves' Apple Tree and Percy Plum Tree
I will find it interesting to Blog the garden and its produce as the year evolves, It doesn't look much now but in the Spring and Summer it is my favourite place.


  1. i think this is a blooming marvelous blog :o)

  2. This is so cool. I have a very tiny garden but am slowly learning how to grow fruit, veg and flowers. Some successes, many failures lol. This year will be tomatoes, garlic, courgettes, and maybe one or two others. I already have a couple of raspberry canes and blackcurrant bush. Slugs are the main problem and we've had to resort to non organic slug pellets.These are all raised beds or pots so we don't let them get on the ground to harm wildlife. It's great to see your gardening pictures

  3. Budgeteer, thanks for your encouraging comments about my blog. In my experience there is no way of getting rid of garden pests with a clear conscience. I have had caterpillar infestations so bad on my brassicas, that you can stand and hear the critters munching! I pick them off by hand and drop them into water or put them in the compost, usually I put them live on the compost heap and hope they become robin food. I also check under leaves daily for eggs and rub them off! Then feel terribly guilty about it. Slugs, I do the same. I have reduced the slug population in my garden by being persistant and vigilant, to the point of going slug picking on a dark wet night with a torch! I don't use any pellets or pesticides but I may consider it if I had a bad problem. Slugs and caterpillars are fascinating but they totally gross me out! Completely hypocritical as I can't kill these crop munching critters, yet currently I am not vegetarian!

  4. I can't pick them of because... I'm afraid of them lol. I've just got to the stage where I can touch a worm by accident and not hyperventilate :)

  5. Budgeteer you made me laugh I know exactly what you mean, you have to be brave and dedicated to 'Dig for Victory'.

  6. You have a beautiful garden place. We have no such place in our home. My mother's house has a lovely garden. We have a lime tree which give lots of lemons twice a year.
    Can't wait to see your garden in full bloom.. :)


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